Festivals Awayday

Our Festivals Away Day will be taking place on Friday 13th September 2024 at Sallis Benney Theatre, University of Brighton.

Festivals Away Day is an event we’re hosting, inviting event producers from all over East Sussex to come together to talk, share ideas and maybe even discuss potential collaborative work. We’ll also be inviting artists we have previously worked with, to showcase their work on the day.

Why come along:

  • Networking opportunities throughout the day
  • Professional development for producers, Local Authorities, trustees, festival committee members and more
  • Build a Festival Producers Network
  • See artists’ showcases
  • Choose from a programme of workshops on the day
  • Funding Ideas

Guest Speakers to include:

  • Arts Council England
  • Help to Grow – Dr Adam Jones
  • Artichoke – Ma’ayan Plane (Development Director)
  • Additional speakers to be announced

Tickets are £10 with lunch included.

If you would like to come to this event, please book using the link below: