
Teachers can download free resources from this website or borrow them from from our office in Bexhill.

It highlighted the importance of global citizenship and that it needs to be embedded in our curriculum.

Teacher, Rye Primary School

You Me Story

Inspired by LGBTQAI+ stories told by Amelia Armande and Alex Etchart and underpinned with Global Learning, Global Learning London created this toolkit aimed at KS3 learners.  It allows teachers to develop as an educator and better understand LGBTQIA+.

You can access the You, Me, Story! Learning Guide + resources by clicking here.

Adinkra Printing

Cross curricular collection using a textile tradition from Ghana to explore children’s values and identity.

Mexican Day of the Dead

A collection exploring this ancient festival with opportunities for teaching Spanish.

Chicken Surprise!

What was the result of a plastic bag ban in Cape Town, South Africa? Make your own chickens from old plastic bags and find out about Jamela’s own chicken.

Toys and Children’s Rights

A range of activities to learn of the UN Convention on Rights of the Child through games, toys, picture books and design and tech tasks.

Kente Cloth

Feel this beautiful, hand-made cloth and learn how Kofi learns to weave in Bonwire, Ghana. The ‘Spider Weaver’ tells the legend of the cloth and gives ideas for classroom weaving activities.

Children’s Rights: Toys and Play

(Funded by the Ernest Cook Trust)

Handmade recycled toys inspire children to craft and learn about production and waste in the toy industry. How can we reduce toy waste? (download)

We have explored how all children have the right to play and have made toys out of cups, string, foil and wire. We have looked at what play means and how it makes us feel.

Year 2 pupil, St Mary Star of the Sea Primary School

Sustainability and Campaigning – India (deforestation)

(Funded by the Ernest Cook Trust)

The Chipko movement in India focused on ways to prevent deforestation and its effects on the local environment and communities.
Beautiful picture books explore traditional tales of women who literally ‘hugged the trees’ to protect them and save them from being destroyed. (download)

Wangari Maathai’s Seeds for Peace

(Funded by the Ernest Cook Trust)

Wangari Maathai received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her efforts to lead women in a nonviolent struggle to bring peace and democracy to Kenya through its reforestation.
Her organisation planted over thirty million trees in thirty years. This collection tells the story of an amazing woman and an inspiring idea. (download)

Pupils practiced persuasive writing in letters to the mayor explaining why it is important to plant more trees and made links to the stories of Wangari and her seeds of hope.

Chailey St Peters CE Primary School

Powerful books to challenge stereotypes

(Funded by the Ernest Cook Trust)

Stereotyped ideas about gender and ethnicity are common and can affect children’s play, sense of self-worth, self–esteem, perceptions of themselves and their abilities, how they relate to each other their future employment aspirations.

  • Do girls underrate their abilities?
  • Are boys encouraged to develop emotional literacy?
  • Do children have positive aspirations about their future roles?

Booklist books to challenge stereotypes
Challenging stereotypes: Recommended reading and resources

Moving Homes

(Funded by the Ernest Cook Trust)

This book collection explores the experiences of many different people moving homes for a variety of reasons.

  • What was life like before people moved?
  • What did they experience on their journeys
  • What challenges did they face in their new homes?

Booklist Moving Homes

Moving Homes Recommended reading and resources